Reorder Point Formula and Safety Stock: A Complete Guide

reorder point

In other words, it calculates the point where if you don’t reorder, your inventory will drop to unacceptably low levels — or to zero, if you don’t have safety stock. In the above graph, the maximum level is the sum of the safety stock and the order quantity, or 3400 bottles.

In practice, the reorder point error is typically reduced by more than 20% if any one of those three condition is satisfied. This improvement is mostly explained by the fact that the extrapolation used to turn a mean forecast into a quantile one becomes the weakest link of the calculation. The concept we describe here under the name of “reorder point” is also known as ROP, reorder level, or reorder trigger level. Let us now understand the formula for calculating the reorder point. We provide third-party links as a convenience and for informational purposes only.


While businesses have an official lead time from suppliers in their service level agreements, the exact number can vary from time to time. If their SLA says 5 days, they more often than not deliver within 2 days. On the other hand, a WMS can send a notification to a supervisor or manager to let them know that a specific product has hit its reorder level. Furthermore, warehouse managers can program their software to automatically send a purchase order to suppliers when a product hits the reorder level, bypassing the notification and approval process. A more reliable approach uses technology, like warehouse management software or inventory management software, to help identify and track inventory reorder points and place new orders with suppliers. With details about how much stock is left and when you need to reorder. Once you keep the minimum inventory and the safety stock number, you don’t face stock issues with daily sales velocity.

In basic terms, safety stock is the amount of extra stock that is maintained by a business to reduce the risk of stockouts caused by supply and demand fluctuations. Having the appropriate safety stock on hand is key to efficient inventory management. Refers to the amount of time it takes for the orange juice to arrive at the store after it’s purchased. In this case, it takes three days for orange juice to get from the supplier to the store after the order is placed. The most important and sometimes hardest part of calculating reorder points accurately is that you need reliable data for supply chain planning and provide an accurate picture of customer demand. If the data is off, then the calculation will be inaccurate and you may end up with too much or too little stock.

Why should your business know your reorder points?

Unless your service level is very close to 50%, the pinball loss has a strong variance. As a result, you need to average the loss values over several dozens of distinct dates to obtain a reliable estimate when looking at a single SKU. However, in practice, we suggest instead to average losses over many SKUs . With an dataset containing more than 200 SKUs, the pinball loss is typically a fairly stable indicator, even if you only consider a single point in time to perform the benchmark.

What is the reorder point?

The reorder point is a metric used by businesses that handle inventory to determine the minimum quantity of items that they should have available in their inventory at any given time. If their stock reaches this reorder point, they will need to replenish their inventory.

Maintaining proper inventory levels is an elegant dance that must balance consumer demand and supplier reliability. Storing too much inventory eats up your budget in terms of warehousing costs and available capital, but you also need enough inventory to account for unexpected demand or supply problems. In Maintenance many items are often used in multiples but, given the formula’s basis on average daily usage a Safety Stock value may result in an insufficient quantity. You can set reorder points for specific products, but reordering would only trigger when you drop below a company-wide stock level of X . In the real world, businesses aim to place bulk orders in advance of when those orders will be needed. Safety stock helps serve unexpected surges in demand (e.g., an increase in customers or the same customers with unusually high needs for a given product). In this theoretical world, you’d be running a business with no need for inventory, placing orders as the customers come to you and having your customers served instantly.


The reorder point differs because of every item’s importance and usage rate in the production process. Advanced inventory management, like this model, can help bring the efficiency of small retail shops to the next level. Once you equate this number you add your already determined safety stock to the equation and this is your actual reorder point. Using manufacturing ERP software like Katana allows your company to set reorder points for each raw material and finished product variant under your roof. Like everything else, they are subject to change, which means your reorder points are too. So, although having an effective reorder point policy means you have freed up more time in your week, you still need to stay on top of things by making new reorder point calculations.

Safety stock provides the last line of defense that ensures you stay in stock in the event of sudden spikes in demand and unexpected supply chain problems that lead to longer lead times. You can then automate this repetitive process through inventory management programs like SoStocked, whichallows you to set your minimum and maximum stock .